WP8: Enhance scientific visibility and reputation

Work package number


Work package title

Enhance scientific visibility and reputation


  1. To disseminate, exploit and communicate project activities

  2. To target communication activities to distinct target audiences

Description of work

Task 8.1. To disseminate, exploit and communicate project activities: The project results will be shared with the scientific community through various channels. These include direct exchanges between scientists, work group discussions, and dissemination efforts such as publication in scientific journals, posting of methods and procedures on the TRIAD website, participation in specialized courses, presentation at Annual Meetings and concurrent workshops, organization of a scientific conference coinciding with the closing meeting of TRIAD. PhD students and postdoctoral scientists are expected to publish at least one first-author paper in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. They will also be encouraged to contribute to mainstream articles, such as those in New Scientist, newspapers, and press releases. Senior researchers at UC, iMM and MU will collaborate with the PhD students to write review papers that address topics relevant to TRIAD, incorporating research results generated during the project. UC members will present their work through oral or poster presentations, and senior scientists involved will deliver talks. Additionally, presentations, lecture notes, and materials from the summer schools and workshops will be made available on the TRIAD website for unrestricted use.

Task 8.2 - To target communication activities to distinct target audiences: The TRIAD communication strategy targets three main stakeholder groups: Academic Sector: This group includes academic staff, students, and collaborators. Private Sector: This involves industry researchers, technical staff, and organizations. Public Sector: This encompasses the general public, patients, NGOs, and policymakers. To ensure widespread information dissemination, we will employ various methods: TRIAD Website: This comprehensive platform will feature project details, articles, blogs, animations, and videos. PhD Student Training: Renowned specialists will train PhD students in public engagement, enabling them to give talks and lectures. Open Lab Days: Annual public events will be held in collaboration with UC's "Open Doors" days, allowing the public to visit the lab and engage with TRIAD team members. TRIAD Ambassadors: Younger scientists will conduct presentations and seminars for high-school students, elderly care units, and broader audiences, promoting science among non-scientific audiences. Annual TRIAD Newsletter: This newsletter will target undergraduate university students and the wider public, featuring articles on scientific results, technical developments, interviews with project members, and highlights of TRIAD activities. It will be distributed both in print and electronically. Media Coverage: Scientific achievements of TRIAD will be popularized through articles in popular science and daily press, providing regular updates on advancements in the field. Early-stage researchers (ESRs) will contribute popular-science articles to engage the general public. Podcasts and Video Content: Public lectures, lab demonstrations, and interviews with program members will be recorded and made available online through the TRIAD website, Facebook group, and platforms like YouTube. Social Media Presence: We will maintain open Facebook, TikTok, and/or Instagram groups and a Twitter (X) account to facilitate communication among team members and the general public. These platforms will showcase research projects and work environments, enabling online engagement with the project's social media accounts.


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Work packages