WP7: Promoting structural changes, competent management and effective administrative structures

Work package number


Work package title

Promoting structural changes, competent management and effective administrative structures


  1. To upgrade the grant management and administration procedures

  2. To upgrade on bioethics standards and licensing requirements

  3. To Upgrade of data management for UC, iMM and MU selected facilities

Description of work

TRIAD will introduce the following structural changes to enhance the administration procedures related to grant management, animal experimentation licensing and the operational scheme of facility centres:

Task 7.1. To upgrade of the grant management and administration procedures: UC, in partnership with iMM and MU, will conduct a two-day hybrid training program for their grant office staff. The primary goal is to enhance institutional support capacity, ensuring sustainability beyond the project and maximizing its impact. Topics covered include proposal management, budget planning, and administrative procedures. TRIAD will implement paperless workflows and automation tools to streamline grant management, leveraging the digitalization expertise of UC, iMM, and MU. English will be the working language for effective communication. TRIAD will align HR policies with the Charter & Code using UC's "HR Excellence in Research" recognition.

Task 7.2 To upgrade on bioethics standards and licensing requirements linked to animal experimentation: TRIAD will offer expertise in cutting-edge genome editing technologies to the bioethics committees of UC, iMM, and MU. Additionally, the program will deliver technical support to designated personnel at these institutions for the implementation of EU reforms related to animal experimentation licenses in translational research contexts. Significantly, TRIAD will play a pivotal role in enhancing the content and lectures of UC's annual FELASA-accredited course on animal experimentation.

Task 7.3 To upgrade data management for UC, iMM and MU selected facilities: TRIAD will work with the management and operational staff of UC's super resolution microscopy facility, iMM's flow cytometry facility, and MU's AFM facility to develop a set of customized IT solutions. These solutions will grant TRIAD scientists access to cloud-based archival storage and real-time access to their raw experimental data and images.


TRIAD: Enhancing Synergism on Telomere Function in Health and Disease

Work packages